Git (/Ι‘Ιͺt/) is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in any set of files, originally designed for coordinating work among programmers cooperating on source code during software development. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. (Wikipedia, 2020)
Getting startedβ
Authentication via SSHβ
In order to be able to communicate with your repositories via SSH you need to first generate a new SSH key (if you haven't already) and add it to your GitHub, bitBucket etc. account.
Create a new repositoryβ
Create a new folder, open it and perform
git init
to create a git repository.
Checkout a repositoryβ
Create a working copy of a local repository
git clone /path/to/repository
Create a working copy of a remote repository
git clone username@host:/path/to/repository
# e.g. git clone
Ignore filesβ
Add a .gitignore
to your project. It specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.
Use to create useful .gitignore files for your project.
Add & commitβ
To propose changes (add them to Index)
git add <filename>
# or
git add *
To commit these changes use
git commit -m "Commit message"
These changes are now commited to the HEAD, but not yet to the remote repository.
Pushing changesβ
To push changes to the remote repository
git push origin main
Change main to whatever branch your changes should go to.
To add a remote repository perform
git remote add origin <server>
Now you are able to push changes to your remote server.
Remove a file from Git repositoryβ
Remove a file from Git repository without deleting it from local filesystem For a single file:
git rm --chached [filename]
and for a single directory:
git rm --chached -r [directory]
Create a new branch named feature_x and switch to it using
git checkout -b feature_x
Switch back to main
git checkout main
Delete the branch again
git branch -d feature_x
A branch is not available to others unless you push the branch to your remote repository
git push origin <branch>
Update & mergeβ
To update your local repository to the latest commit, perform
git pull
in your working directory to fetch and merge remote changes.
To merge another branch into your active branch (e.g. main), use
git merge <branch>
in both cases git tries to auto-merge changes. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and results in conflicts.
You are responsible to merge those conflicts manually by editing the files shown by git.
After changing, you need to mark them as merged with
git add <filename>
before merging changes, you can also preview them by using
git diff <source_branch> <target_branch>
Replace local changesβ
Undo last commit locally (keep changes)β
git reset --soft HEAD^
Git Hard Reset to HEAD (throw away changes)β
- Reset local branch (throw away changes)
- The
option is used in order to reset the files of the index (or the staging area) and of the working directory. You will be left with the untracked files of your working directory.
# (going back to HEAD)
git reset --hard HEAD
# (going back to the commit before HEAD)
git reset --hard HEAD^
# (going back two commits before HEAD)
git reset --hard HEAD~2
Git Hard Reset to origin HEAD (throw away changes)β
# (going back to HEAD of remote origin branch)
git reset --hard origin/develop
Useful commandsβ
Add local project to fresh Git(hub) repositoryβ
cd ~/your/project/path
# Initialize new local git
git init
# Add all local files to your local repositore
# Pro tip: Add/Check your .gitignore to not check in local configs like your .idea folder etc.
git add .
# Commit your files
git commit -m 'Initialize Project'
# Link your remote repository
git remote add origin
Clone repositoryβ
git clone
Checkout branchβ
git checkout branch_name
Create new (local) branchβ
git checkout -b incredibly_descriptive_branch_name
# Commit some changes
git add .
git commit "Very important changes"
# Push your new local branch to the remote repostory
git push --set-upstream origin incredibly_descriptive_branch_name
Delete branchβ
# delete locally
git branch -d your_local_branch_name
# delete remotely
git push origin --delete your_remote_branch_name
Edit historyβ
Remove secretβ
Delete foldersβ
# bfg equals java -jar bfg.jar
java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-folders docs --no-blob-protection
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive